Home Price refers to the value of the home
Down Payment Amount refers to the one-time upfront payment made towards the home
Down Payment Percentage is a percentage reflected based on the upfront payment made towards the home
Loan Term refers to the number of years agreed to pay off the mortgage
Property Tax refers to the percentage based on the location of the property with factors including city ISD, county tax percentages, municipal utility districts, etc. (example: a house in Katy with a tax rate of 3.2887%)
If your down payment percentage is 20% or higher, you can leave the PMI box blank.
For optimized experience, please use this calculator on your desktop.
Note: If you are using a smartphone, the pie chart will be at the bottom of the calculator
Mortgage Calculator
Monthly Principal and Interest:
Monthly Estimated Property Tax:
Monthly PMI:
Monthly Homeowner's Insurance:
Monthly HOA Fees:
Monthly Estimated Value: $0.00